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Volyn, Ukraine

Jason wanted to find traces of his family before his trip to Poland and Ukraine. His father and uncle were born in a small village located in Volyn Region, now a part of Ukraine. We found the village on an old map of Ukraine, unfortunatelly it did not exist on the contemporary one. The next step was to locate any of the records.. The chance of finding any books was not high as the whole place was burnt down either by German troops or gangs of Ukrainian Nationalists that have been plundering the whole region during the German occupation.

We  have contacted all our Polish sources as well as Ukrainian archives and discovered some records from the 19th century. However, those created at the beginning of the 20th century had low chances to survive as many fierce battles had raged through the village – both World Wars, Russian Civil War, Polish-Bolshevik War. Once Russians occupied eastern Poland in 1939 they started burning all books and records from the Polish era.

The latest (most current)available records we were able to find were dated 1894. Even though it was hard to link Jason’s family to the family we found in these books, we had a strong prove that it was the right village and Jason still wanted to visit it..