Some time ago we started looking for a house of our client’s ancestor and her grave armed with the lady’s death record that clearly stated her last address as well as the address of her son-in-law. Having these two pieces of information we came to the city of Katowice. Our enthusiasm started to wane a bit when not even one person in the old house that we identified as the right one seemed to know anybody with the surname corresponding to the one from the record. Even the oldest resident could not help us as he moved there about 20 years after the death of our Cecylia.
Then we started looking for the second address – the house where Cecylia’s daughter lived with her husband. Unfortunately, many years passed and many changes occurred in the city. The street that the house stood on no longer existed. The whole area was changed into a lovely park. We decided to focus our efforts on finding the family graves. It was not an easy task as there are many cemeteries in Katowice. None of the two parishes that were located near Cecylia’s house kept any records regarding her burial place. But we managed to find her parents’ marriage record and identify the village where she was born in. In the end, we found the origin place of the family.