
Edward PGSA Galician

Hello Robert:

Yes from a 50K foot view, overall an enriching experience to learn about the culture, food and heritage of the Poland and its people. I think you need to emphasize that in your trip brochures as outcomes of this travel. I had two unique experiences one was a personal heritage trip and two the tour itself.  

Genealogy Tours does a great job connecting to these learnings for me and I like connecting with the heritage of the Country. The museums in Poland are gems and the use of local tour guides makes these connections real. I can think of many favorite visits, the Underground in Krakow, the Pope JP2 early life in a small village, Jewish section and Schindlers factory, Lancut Castle, Catholic parish records in Tarnow, the historian and her enthusiasm at the museum in Gorlice, the town walk thru Przemysl, experiencing typical food and making pierogis. Also, how in-expensive Poland is as compared to other EU member countries.

Some suggested improves would be cut an hour off the time walking around the Nowy Sacz ethnographic park. I know most travelers on these tours are “boomers” but re-emphasis to those considering a tour that these are walking and climbing stairs tours. I did not have an issue but seemed others had this problem. The 8 person tour in a van is tight but manageable. Actually you have good conversations. That is one of my other unexpected takeaways. Most of us were on a personal journey of finding their roots. We shared experiences and it was amazing how similar we all were. Tomasz does a great job of blending the heritage searches with local culture and history. 

From a personal standpoint Tomasz and I traveled before the tour started to overnight in Lesko then Zaluz where I found family information and met with a cousin and uncle that I did not know I had. I learned my great-grandfather was an entrepreneur and had a small mfg facility for making shoes. Also had a B & B.  Confirmed they were Roman Catholics not Greek Catholics. The family still lives on the property my great-grandfather owned. Was also were able to find at the Govt Office in Sanok that he owned 17 properties. Tomsz helped find that and now I have these records. 

Overall, yes I would recommend this trip.  I do have some interest in the potential Christmas markets tour. Keep me on the mailing list for that. If we did that I would probably tie it together with a stop at Vienna’s Christmas markets. I was there a few years back and they were great.  

Regards Ed Getz (Giec)